26 June 2012


I have to agree
The worst feeling ever:
When someone meant so much to you,
BUT you meant nothing to them,
OK,sound like an Idiot
Yes,I becoming an Idiot now!
Never mind,whatever!
Because I'm the smartest Idiot ever...!

25 June 2012


I enjoyed too much lately,
a bit overwhelmed tim.
Consequences,my pocket money flow like water
Started to lost my identity
I need to grab it back

Looking for more
But.MONEY lai lai~
Btw,wound ar wound,please recover soon!
Stop bleeding please!!!!!

Spain Vs Portugal
Spain go go go~
I can mentally support you ONLY.

Silent Please!


21 June 2012


My life full of all sort of history
Bad one.Good one.Shameful one.Guilty one...etc
I am not god,angel or whatever but HUMAN
No matter how,that are already past.
Give ourself a chance to reborn
by forgetting and deleting the past.
Start with a new one.
And the same, by forgiving other,delete their past.
We earn extra happiness.
win-win situation
Sometimes, is easy to say and hard to turn it into action.
But,worth to try!

Chapter one

Penang's weather is so hazy lately
I barely could see any buildings every morning
Superb terrible and I felt so sick.
Allergic skin came to me AGAIN
New chapter of my life started with this environment,
is a great start though =)
Is it indicate that my future road is not that easy
However,I will never defeated by those "evil" energy!!

I felt reborn
After the short course that I have been taking last weekend
Meaningful .Exhausting.Fun!
Witnessed lots of sad cases lately,
I felt so bad and depress
I have to stand firm and keep going
Life is  all about that
If you make a wise choice,then you could see your future
and vice versa
I GET from them left and right.
Yet,I have to show my smiley face to them.
Sometimes,really WTF!
I promised myself.
Won't and never activate the RED BUTTON again.

Human tends to complain a lot
But,actually,we are much much much better than many people
I know I am blessed
Everyone back up me
SO,I am staying strong for them.

08 June 2012

One of my friend told me once,
Don't flash back, and don't look back.
It has been almost five years
Yes,such a long time we have been together.
Finally, we concluded our story,
and that was a superb conclusion, 
no war, no fight, no argument
I am happy with it too.
We ain't the perfect one.
But, he is treated me very well all the time
Been through lots
However, both of us deserved better one.
I would not mad at those gossip
But,human's mouth is the most scary weapon in this world 
Although they have the right to express their thought

Never mind
Everything is ended
NO more flash back or look back,
because,I am moving forward.

ZhiXiang,you probably won't see this, but I am insisting to share my thought here.=)
I am glad that we still can be friend,it was out of my expectation at first.
Let's move on!! 
Ah B,you know I am always glad to have you and if I telling you that I am great, that is it. Everything changes every second, but our friendship is always eternity! REMEMBER!!!
All my peeps! Thanks for all the concern, and I am superb fine,and I mean it. =)

I lost one
But,I earned more
Single and available
"Wan sui"!!

05 June 2012

My Choice

I'm Sorry
Sometimes, I Am Lost.
But,Where is my Mentor?
I couldn't see it.
Abandon it,Reject it,Forget it 
Is my way.
Sound coward
But,that should be my only way to deal with it,
I suppose!