07 January 2010

conducting class-

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!!!
hrmm...new year?new hope?what you guys new year resolution?
for me?new year,but same weiwenker (from pw)=)
wish everyone healthy and happy always..
because cc always claimed that the world is going to end..so just appreciate what we have now..=)
wao..today have my conducting class...
this course is teach us ways to become a conductor..seriously,IM SUPERB worry
1st--my hearing is POOR
2nd--my arrangement absolutely CHA!
3rd-- have to communicate and co-operate with a band
and my final is conduct a band with have around 30players
GOSH..this will be a great challenge for me..haik..
that is difficult to become a conductor,the HEAD of a band..!!to lead them..
arghhhhhhh....although just have my 2nd time lecture..
it made me more and more anxious..what song m i going to choose?BLANK
BTW..today my lecturer taught us some skill to conduct..hahahhaa
i have tried to conduct my friend..my 1st time.gosh!!!!!
mess and very stiff,totally blank..hand shaking.look so fierc..cham lo
can imagine that,i'm going to make a music tsunami!!!hahaha..
can imagine that im going to conduct half way and my baton fly away!!
hahahaa...or those band player will critic my arrangement?DIE!!
hahaha..cross finger and popi me lar

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